HC Deb 19 November 1928 vol 222 c1403W

asked the, Under-Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the case of Mr. C. N. R. Smart, a resident engineer in the service of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company; whether he is aware that this officer has been refused the benefit of the Lee Commission's recommendation, though he was domiciled and recruited in England on the terms and conditions of English recruited officers, and that his domicile was accepted by the Government of India on his demobilisation in 1920; and whether, seeing that the result of such refusal is to reduce this officer from Class A to Class C, steps may be taken to place him in the same position as other English recruited officers?


I understand that a memorial on the subject addressed to the Secretary of State by Mr. Smart is being submitted, in accordance with the ordinary procedure, through the Government of India. Until this memorial has been received and considered, I am unable to make any statement.

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