HC Deb 05 July 1928 vol 219 c1593W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he has any statement to make on the grounding of the cruiser "Dauntless"?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

His Majesty's Ship "Dauntless" grounded on the Thrum Cap shoal at 2 p.m. on 2nd July. The vessel was on her way into Halifax Harbour and the weather was foggy. The shoal she struck is to starboard of the channel going in, and is about 5½ miles from Halifax. Her two boiler rooms have been pierced and are open to the sea for their whole length on her port side, and the majority of her compartments forward of these boiler-rooms are not watertight below the upper deck. These boiler rooms are situated about the middle of the total length of the ship. The working of the ship in the swell after grounding has also crashed in the starboard side of the boiler rooms for a length of about five feet. Salvage work is proceeding. The ultimate refloating of the vessel is at the moment very uncertain, fine weather being the most important factor required for the salvage work. The main body of the crew were disembarked at 8 p.m. on the 2nd, as it was considered possible that the ship might break up, and they could be of no further use on board. No lives were lost.