HC Deb 01 July 1919 vol 117 c792W

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will state what is the first year for which the Nautical Almanac will be made out with the astronomical day of twenty-four hours, numbered continuously, running from midnight to midnight, like the civil day, instead of, as hitherto, from noon to noon?


The Nautical Almanac is usually published about four years in advance, and the first year in which the arrangement referred to will take effect will be 1925.


asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the system of numbering the hours continuously up to 24, which was adopted in the Army last year, has also been adopted in the Royal Navy; and, if so, from what data and under what Regulation?


The system has been adopted in the Navy for some years for all kinds of messages, and the authority for its use is contained in the books of instructions which are issued by the Admiralty from time to time.