HC Deb 01 November 1911 vol 30 c968W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether Orme's case was considered at the time of the Imperial Conference, which was the course suggested in the Australian Parliament?

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir. I am informed the case was not raised at the Imperial Conference.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, having regard to the fact that Mr. Orme, a citizen of Australia, was imprisoned and deported from South Africa during the war, that his trial by a field court-martial was illegal since he was not under the command of the officer in command of the troops on the spot, and that the findings of the court-martial were not confirmed against Orme, he will reconsider the whole case?

Colonel SEELY

This case has been fully considered, and there is no intention of reopening it. It would take too long to explain the case fully to the House within the limits of an oral answer, but I shall be glad to send to the hon. Gentleman, if he desires it, a statement of the facts.