HC Deb 03 December 1909 vol 13 cc601-2W

asked the Home Secretary if he was yet in a position to state the result of the negotiations between the Shipbuilding Employers Federation and the Boilermakers Society as to a draft order applying the provisions of Section 116 of The Factory and Workshop Act to piece-workers in the shipbuilding yards; and, if so, could he state whether it is his intention to issue such draft order?


I have been informed, as I stated in reply to a question on the same subject on 26th August last, that the negotiations referred to did not result in any arrangement as to the supply of particulars being agreed upon between the parties. A draft of an order applying the particulars section to the shipbuilding industry was subsequently issued by me in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Rules Publication Act. Objections to the order were submitted to me by the Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, and at their request I received a deputation of representatives of the employers on Tuesday last. I am now considering the representations made to me, and hope to arrive at a decision shortly.


asked the Home Secretary whether he could state when the order applying Section 116 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, to piece-workers in shipbuilding yards will be made?


I would refer the hon. Member to the printed answer I am giving to-day on this subject to a question by the hon. Member for Sunderland.