HL Deb 26 April 2004 vol 660 cc614-5

46 Page 38, line 14, leave out subsections (1) and (2)

The Commons disagree to this Amendment but propose the following Amendment in lieu

46A Page 38, leave out lines 19 to 39 and insert—

Lord Rooker

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do not insist on its Amendment No. 46 to which the Commons have disagreed and do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 46A in lieu thereof. I have spoken to the amendment.

Moved, That the House do not insist on its Amendment No. 46 to which the Commons have disagreed and do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 46A in lieu thereof.—(Lord Rooker.)

[Amendments Nos. 46B to 46F not moved.]

On Question, Motion agreed to.