HL Deb 11 February 1971 vol 315 cc330-1

7.40 p.m.

LORD WINDLESHAM rose to move, That the Draft Police Pensions Regulations 1971, laid before the House on January 28 be approved. The noble Lord said: My Lords, these Regulations consolidate in one Instrument, the Police Pensions Regulations 1966 and the nine subsequent amending Regulations. The Regulations do not affect the existing level of police pensions, and all present rights are safeguarded. However, the opportunity is being taken to incorporate a number of improvements. The most important of these relate to the augmented award for the widows or children of police officers who die as a result of injuries received in the execution of duty in certain defined circumstances. There are also improvements concerning the transferability of pensions to other employments in the public sector. I have come equipped to give a great deal fuller explanation of these Regulations than that, and if any noble Lord wishes to take up any point on them I shall be happy to provide some further information, but it may be for the convenience of the House if I move the Regulations in this rather brief way. My Lords, I beg to move.

Moved, That the Draft Police Pensions Regulations 1971, laid before the House on January 28, be approved.—(Lord windlesham.)


My Lords, I am pleased to set the noble Lord's mind at rest. We are very happy with these Regulations and wish to see them passed.


My Lords, I do not want to detain the House for long, but can the noble Lord, Lord Windlesham, say whether these Regulations were discussed in detail with the Police Federation; and, if so, are they in agreement? Also, can he give any forecast when these Regulations and the nine preceding Regulations, for some of which I was responsible, will be consolidated in legislation?


My Lords, on the first point, I understand that the Regulations, including all the changes made by them, have been drawn up by tile Home Department in consultation with the local authority and police staff associations, and have been agreed with the Police Council for the United Kingdom, on which, as the noble Lord knows, the Police Federation is represented. I cannot answer the second question off the cuff, but I will look into it and send the noble Lord an answer.