HL Deb 11 November 1964 vol 261 cc327-8

My Lords, I beg leave to introduce a Bill to enable common investment funds to be established for the investment of moneys in certain courts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and certain other moneys; to make fresh provision for dealing with funds in the Supreme Court of Judicature in England and to amend the law concerning dealing with funds in county courts in England and Wales or in the Mayor's and City of London Court; to amend the law concerning giving security by way of making a deposit with the Accountant General of the Supreme Court of Judicature in England; to make miscellaneous amendments of the law relating to that court and to inferior courts in England and Wales; to enable benefits under Section 10 of the Courts of Justice Concentration (Site) Act, 1865, to be commuted into capital sums; to amend the War Pensions (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1919; to enlarge the legislative power of the Parliament of Northern Ireland and amend the Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act, 1930; to repeal certain obsolete, spent, un- necessary or superseded enactments; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.

I beg to move that the Bill be now read a first time.

Moved, That the Bill be now read la.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Bill read 1a; and to be printed.