HL Deb 12 December 1939 vol 115 cc222-3

4.35 p.m.


My Lords, it is necessary for your Lordships to adjourn for a short time in order to receive two Bills from another place, and give them their First Reading—the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill and the Postponement of Enactments (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. They have been already circulated to your Lordships in the form in which they were read a second time in another place, but I understand the House of Commons is making an amendment to the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill by including in the Schedule of Acts to be continued one referring to the Special Areas. Your Lordships will probably have seen reference to it in the Press or in the debate in another place, and I only tell your Lordships now so that when we come to the Bill as we shall read it a second time to-morrow, the House will realise that it is not exactly in the same form as that which has been already circulated. These Bills will probably reach your Lordships by a quarter or half-past five, but it will be a purely formal First Reading in each case, so that I do not suppose your Lordships will desire to stay.

May I take this opportunity of saying that I have talked to one or two noble Lords, and I understand it will be for the convenience of your Lordships if on Thursday we met at half-past two? I understand that another place is meeting at noon, and that the Prime Minister is likely to make a statement at one o'clock. If we meet at half-past two that will be as convenient a time as any and will suit arrangements in another place as well.