HL Deb 15 April 1919 vol 34 cc359-60

THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURY rose to ask the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, pending the sittings of the Select Committee to inquire into Government Works at Cippenham, the Government will restrict by all possible means the expenditure on these works; and whether it is the intention of the Government to retain the whole of the motor accessories and parts, valued at £15,000,000, with a view to their being used on Government vehicles when these works are completed.

The noble Marquess said: My Lords, in putting this Question I do not want to make a speech. I want merely to explain the words in the Question "restrict by all possible means the expenditure on these works." I do not suggest that the Government should adopt what would be in effect a very extravagant course—namely, to waste money by stopping works in progress which, if carried out at all, ought to be carried out forthwith. But I suggest that they ought not to prejudge the issue of the Select Committee and spend money when it may be found that the money ought not to be spent.


My Lords, I think I shall be able to satisfy the noble Marquess in the answer which I shall give. The reply to the first part of the Question is in the affirmative. No fresh expenditure is being incurred. As regards the second part, in regard to the motor accessories and parts valued at £15,000,000, only about one-half are in this country, and such as are surplus to the Government's requirements are being disposed of, through the Disposals Board, to the trade.


My Lords, the noble Lord who has replied to the question whether the Government will restrict by all possible means the expenditure on these works, has told us that no fresh expenditure is being incurred. That does not seem to be a precise answer to the question which the noble Marquess put.


I began by stating that the reply to the first part of the Question was in the affirmative.


Then I understand.