HL Deb 06 April 1905 vol 144 cc591-2

My Lords, I desire to ask the indulgence of the House for a moment to give notice that I propose to- morrow to take the Committee stage on the Advertisements Bill which the House was good enough to read a second time on my Motion a week or two ago. At the conclusion of the debate on that occasion the noble Lord who represents the Home Office intimated that the Home Office had some Amendments to propose to the Bill, and I also indicated that some bodies interested in the advertising trade had approached me with a view of getting some modifications made in the Bill. Both these negotiations have had some success, and with the consent of the House I propose to take the Committee stage pro formatomorrow to insert these Amendments, and when the Bill is reprinted I propose that it should be recommitted to be dealt with in the ordinary way. As the Amendments are rather numerous, I am sure this procedure will be for the convenience of the House.

House to be in Committee to-morrow.