HL Deb 23 July 1889 vol 338 c1071

Order of the Day for the Third Reading read.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3a."—(The Earl of Kimberley.)


My Lards, I do not object to the Third Reading, but I would call your Lordships' attention to a circumstance which illustrates the importance of the Motion which, as I stated just now, I intend to move next Session, and the great inconvenience of the Standing Committees being allowed to meet during the Sittings of your Lordships' House. A noble and learned Lord who is in charge of two Bills is engaged at this moment before the Standing Committee for Bills relating to Law, and the result is that one of these Bills has to be postponed, and the other to be taken up by another noble Lord.

Bill read 3a (according to Order) and passed.