HL Deb 09 August 1889 vol 339 cc874-5

Amendments reported (according to order).


With reference to what fell last night from two noble Lords who sit on the opposite side of the House, who are not present this afternoon, as to the position of the Provost of Dundee on the University Court, I may say that I have gone into the matter as I promised I would, and have come to the conclusion that I should adhere to the position which I have all along taken. It is exceedingly desirable that the University College of Dundee should be affiliated to the University of St. Andrews at the earliest possible moment, and the effect of the Provost of Dundee, the Chief Magistrate of that town, being on the University Court of that University, would be very beneficial in leading to that result. I only make this statement because I stated last night that I would consider the matter before Report. Then, it will be remembered that the noble Lord (Lord Camperdown) moved an Amendment last night, which I also said I would consider. The noble Lord is not now present, but I am glad to be able to accept the Amendment which he proposed.

Amendment proposed, in Clause 8 page 8, line 21, to leave out the words "University Court," and insert the word "Commissioner" instead thereof. Agreed to.

Other Amendments made; Bill to be read 3a on Monday next.