HL Deb 28 June 1888 vol 327 cc1512-3

My Lords, at a meeting of the Royal Commission on Education held this day, in consequence of what has appeared in the columns of The Times newspaper and some other papers, I was requested, as their Chairman, to state in my place in Parliament that the account which has appeared in The Times of the Report of the Royal Commission upon Elementary Education is unauthorized and is incorrect in many important particulars. It is based, apparently, upon drafts which had not received the final sanction of the Commission, but which must have been surreptitiously obtained. It would, of course, be a gross breach of duty to communicate to the public any matter contained in a Report to be submitted to the Queen before it has been laid before Her Majesty, and the Commission will not be able to make any Report public until their recommendations have been submitted to Her Majesty, which will probably not be for some weeks. The statements professing to indicate the character of a minority Report have no authority or justification.

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