HL Deb 09 July 1888 vol 328 cc683-4

My Lords, as directed by your Lordships, I forwarded to Her Majesty's Ambassador at Berlin the Resolutions of Condolence with the Empress Victoria of Germany, passed by your Lordships' House, and I have received the following reply from Sir Edward Malet:— My Lord Chancellor, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordships' Letter of the 19th inst., transmitting to me copies of two Resolutions of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, conveying Messages of Condolence to the Empress Victoria from their Lordships' House, and I have the honour to inform your Lordships that Her Imperial Majesty was graciously pleased to receive me in audience yesterday, for the purpose of presenting these Messages. Her Imperial Majesty desired me to convey to their Lordships' House, through your Lordship, her gratitude for these marks of sympathy with Her deep distress, and to express the hope that the memory of the Emperor Frederick, her dearly beloved Husband, may ever be preserved. Letter ordered to lie on the Table, and to be entered on the Journals.