HL Deb 26 July 1887 vol 318 c1

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—British Settlements* (189).

Second Reading—Trust Companies (151); Accumulations (81), negatived; Merchandise Marks Law Consolidation and Amendment (170); Public Libraries Acts Amendment (No. 2)* (185).

Commit tee—First Offenders (re-comm.) (182).

CommitteeReport—Water Companies (Regulation of Powers)* (172).

Report—Bankruptcy Offices (Sites)* (76); Metropolitan Open Spaces Acts Extension (168–190).

Third Reading—Copyhold Enfranchisement (180); Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Amendment * (184), and passed.

Withdrawn—Merchant Shipping (Transfer of Registry, &c.) (59).

PROVISIONAL ORDER BILLS—First Reading—Local Government (No. 9)* (188).

CommitteeReport—Local Government (No. 5)* (146); Local Government (No. 7)* (166).