HL Deb 01 February 1887 vol 310 cc383-4

, in presenting a Petition signed by 11 gentlemen, in favour of State-directed Emigration, said, he would take that opportunity of expressing his deep regret that their Lordships had not seen their way to pass the second reading of the Women's Suffrage Bill, which he had introduced. He was, further, sorry that the House was not in possession of the objections to the measure; but he understood that it would come up again on the 2nd of August. He had on other occasions, brought forward the measure as late as that date, and hoped to be in his place this year, when he trusted they might see the same Government in power, and all the objections removed. He also cherished the hope that if a measure for the same object should pass the other House, their Lordships might subject it to any necessary revision, and make it exactly like the Bill he had presented to their Lordships.