HL Deb 15 April 1886 vol 304 c1613

SELECT COMMITTEE—Private Bills (Standing Order No. 128), nominated.

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Copyhold Enfranchisement* (76); Drowned Persons (Discovery and Interment)* (77); Burial Grounds (Scotland) Act (1855) Amendment (78).

Second Reading—Bankruptcy (Agricultural Labourers' Wages) (70).

CommitteeReport—Cape Race Lighthouse* (60).

Report—Tree* (Ireland)* (72–79); Poor Relief (Ireland)* (74).

Third Reading—Lunacy Acts Amendment (64); Lunacy (Vacating of Scats)* (47–80); Burgh Police and Health (Scotland)* (69); Marriages (Hours of Solemnization)* (73); Sporting Lands Rating (Scotland)* (36), and passed.