HL Deb 03 March 1885 vol 294 c1878

asked the Secretary of State for India, Whether it was true, as stated in the papers, that some of the Native Indian States had offered assistance in aid of the Expedition to the Soudan; and, if so, whether he would give the names of such States?


My Lords, I am much obliged to my noble Friend, for giving me the opportunity of stating the names of the Native Indian States which up to this time, as I am informed by telegram from the Viceroy, have made otters of military assistance to this country. They are the States of the Nizam of Hyderabad, the Begum of Bhopal, the Rajah of Puttiala, and the Rajah of Jheend. The first two States are Mahommedans and the last two are Sikhs. I need scarcely say that this offer on the part of the Native States of India is a most gratifying proof of their loyalty and good feeling towards Her Majesty and the people of England. I cannot conceive anything more striking than the fact of these States coming forward on this occasion and showing the same eagerness to assist us, and the same good feeling towards this country, as has been shown by men of our own race in our Colonies. Whether it will be possible or not to avail ourselves of these offers I do not know; but of this I am quite certain—that the recollection of them will strengthen our position in India, as well as the ties which bind us to those Native States.