HL Deb 23 October 1884 vol 293 cc2-4

delivered HER MAJESTY'S SPEECH to both Houses of Parliament, as follows:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"I HAVE brought you together after a recess unusually short, in order that you may be enabled at once to give your further consideration to the great subject of the representation of the people in Parliament.

"I continue to maintain relations of amity with all foreign Powers.

"The information received from the Soudan includes painful uncertainties; but the energy, courage, and resource, conspicuously displayed by General Gordon in the successful defence of Khartoum, deserve my warm recognition.

"The advance of my troops to Dongola has for its object the rescue and security of that gallant officer, and of those who have so faithfully co-operated with him.

"In Egypt itself I am using my best endeavours to promote further improvement; and I have given my support to the Egyptian Government in the difficult financial position in which it has been left through the failure of the recent Conference.

"I have to regret that circumstances have occurred on the south-western frontier of the Transvaal which demand my vigilant attention. In conjunction with the Government of the Cape Colony I am engaged in considering the means which may be required to secure the faithful observance of the Convention of the present year.

"Papers on this subject will be presented to you at an early date.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"The operations in the Soudan will render it necessary to ask from you a further pecuniary provision.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"The Bill for the extension of the Parliamentary Franchise will at once be introduced.

"In conclusion, I humbly and most anxiously trust that the blessing of Almighty God may attend upon your labours."

Then the Commons withdrew.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.


ROLL OF THE LORDS—Garter King of Arms attending, delivered at the Table (in the usual manner) a List of the Lords Temporal in the Sixth Session of the Twenty-second Parliament of the United Kingdom: The same was ordered to lie on the Table.

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