HL Deb 16 March 1883 vol 277 cc684-5

Order of the Day for the Third Reading read.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3ª"—(The Earl Stanhope.)


pointed out that the Preamble was now untrue, as it recited that it was desirable to extend the provisions in the miner regulation as to the payment of wages to all cases generally; whereas their Lordships determined they should only be partially extended. He said that the objection would be removed by omitting the Preamble.


said, there was no reason why the Preamble should be struck out.


said, that would be the shortest way out of the difficulty, and then the Bill would be gone.


said, he did not see any reason for the objection. The Preamble directly applied to the object of the Bill.


thought the objection was well founded, inasmuch as the Preamble said it was expedient to extend the prohibition generally; whereas, by the Amendment which had been adopted, it appeared that it was only expedient to extend it partially. Their Lordships were going to send to the other House a Bill with an erroneous Preamble. Passing over that point, however, he would draw attention to the wording of the 3rd clause, which provided that wages were not to be paid in any public-house, "or any office, garden, or place belonging or contiguous thereto." So that if a builder's yard happened to join a public-house the builder would no longer be able to pay his workmen on his own premises. The objection, however, might be got over by striking out the words, and he would accordingly propose their omission.


said, the interpretation of the Bill did not depend on its Preamble. The 3rd clause really defined the operation of the measure. He would accept the noble and learned Lord's proposal to strike out the words "or contiguous thereto."

Motion agreed to; Bill read 3a accordingly.

On Motion of The Lord BRAMWELL, the following Amendments made:—In Clause 3, page 1, lines 26 and 27, omit the words ("or contiguous thereto"); and in Clause 4, page 2, line 14, omit the words ("under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts.")

Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.