HL Deb 27 April 1883 vol 278 cc1263-4

rose to call attention to the certain inadequacy of the great improvement now making at Hyde Park Corner to do more than mitigate for a time the inconvenience which must still result from the two streams of yearly Increasing traffic from North and South, East and West, crossing each other there on the same level. The noble Earl said that the traffic at that point proceeding from North to South would go on increasing in the future; and, notwithstanding the great additional space and multiplication of communications under the present scheme, they would be found inadequate. He feared, therefore, the streams of traffic would continue to interfere with one another, if no further openings were made to relieve its passage through the Park. In asking Her Majesty's Government, Whether an additional carriage-way in and out of the Park could not be made, opening into the wide space opposite Sloane Street, to supplement the enlarged vent for North and South traffic at Hyde Park Corner and the small and cramped vent for it at Albert Gate? he might point out that the site was at present unoccupied by houses, and therefore could now be more cheaply dealt with than at any other time.


I am sorry that I am unable to give the noble Earl much information on this subject. The present position is simply that a great and very important improvement has been made at Hyde Park Corner; and until it is opened and used for public traffic it is quite impossible to form any accurate opinion as to the results of the alteration. The police authorities believe that it will be an enormous boon, and will relieve the congestion of traffic which has so long existed. It is possible that in course of time the increased traf- fie may necessitate further steps being taken; but it is clearly premature at this moment, within four days of the opening of these additional roadways, to give any decided opinion on the matter. The First Commissioner has taken great interest in the working out of this scheme, and proposes to watch the result very carefully, to see if any further steps are necessary. As regards the noble Earl's suggested improvement from Sloane Street into the Park, with a large open space, I can only say that at present it has not been under consideration. It is, however, very doubtful whether an additional gateway into the Park so near Albert Gate would not seriously interfere with police arrangements. In any case, it is self-evident that a considerable sum would be required to purchase the property opposite Sloane Street, which would have to be voted by the other House. It would really be a matter, to a very great extent, which ought to be dealt with by the Metropolitan Board of Works as one of their street improvements. I am sorry to be unable to follow the noble Earl further through his statement, and can only assure him that the First Commissioner will very carefully consider the views he has expressed when the proper time arrives.


explained that he had believed till then that the ground between the Park and the Knightsbridge Road was Crown property.

[The subject then dropped.]

House adjourned at a quarter before Five o'clock, to Monday next, a quarter before Eleven o'clock.