HL Deb 04 April 1881 vol 260 c549

said, he had given Notice that he would that evening call attention to the recent Correspondence on Turkey, and move for the despatches which explained the withdrawal of Sir Henry Layard from the Embassy at Constantinople. He wished to take that opportunity of stating that in the continued absence of the noble Earl the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Earl Granville) he would postpone bringing the subject under the notice of their Lordships' House until Thursday next. He felt himself that this was advisable; but the feeling of other noble Lords made it incumbent on him, because they thought that at a discussion of the foreign policy of Her Majesty's Government it was indispensable that the organ of that policy should be present. The postponement was, perhaps, also desirable on the ground of the clearer aspect which the negotiations respecting Greece and Turkey now presented.

House adjourned at a quarter past Five o'clock, till To-morrow, Eleven o'clock.