HL Deb 14 March 1878 vol 238 c1275

who had placed on the Notice Paper for this evening— To call attention to the precautions which appear to be desirable before Great Britain enters the approaching Conference; and to move for any recent diplomatic Correspondence with Her Majesty's Government on the terms of Peace between Russia and the Porte, said, that several of his noble Friends who sat on the same side of the House as he did had informed him that they would not be able to speak on that occasion, someof them beingunavoidably detained. As among those noble Lords there were persons better qualified to exercise an influence in respect of the Eastern Question than he was, he would not bring forward the subject in their absence, and would therefore postpone his Notice to another evening. Such a course would, in all probability, be imposed upon him, even if he did not take it now, by the discussion of the Notice which had precedence of his own.