HL Deb 05 July 1877 vol 235 c787

Public Bills—First Reading— Colonial Fortifications* (133); Saint Stephen's Green (Dublin)* (134); General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Provisional Order Confirmation (Glasgow)* (135); Local Government Provisional Orders (Sewage)*(136).

Second Heading—New Forest* (123).

Committee—Reservoirs* (103).

CommitteeReport—Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 1)* (112); Municipal Corporations (New Charters)* (125).

Third HeadingGeneral Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act (1862) Amendment* (109); Trade Marks* (106); Royal Irish Constabulary* (120), and passed.

Withdrawn—Imbecile, Lunatic, and other Afflicted Classes (Ireland) (110).