HL Deb 26 June 1873 vol 216 c1409

House in Committee according to Order.

Clauses 1 and 2 agreed to with Amendments,

Clause 3 (Salaries of Archdeaconries may be raised to £200 per annum.)


in moving that the clause be agreed to, said, it was not intended to create any new charge on the Common Fund of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.


in moving to strike out the clause, said, he objected to these salaries being taken from that common fund which was intended solely to meet the spiritual necessities of the people. What was the sum already raised in various ways for the purposes of the archdeacons? According to a Return which he had, the archdeaconries received £11,800 a-year, of which about 13, 800 was for themselves, about £5,000 was for registries, £800 for officials, and £1,600 for apparitors. If that large sum of £11,800 per annum were better distributed, it would be sufficient for the archdeacons and for other purposes. The £5,000 a-year for registers was nearly all taken in fees from the parochial clergy. The clergy complained of the pressure of those fees, and that clause in the Bill took from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to that extent the power of reducing them.

Moved, to leave out Clause 3,—(The Earl of Shaftesbury.)


said, that the Bill had now arrived at a satisfactory point, and he trusted the noble Earl would not press his Amendment.


said, that he would not carry his Amendment to a division against the feeling of the House; but he begged solemnly to protest against the clause, and the payment from such a source. He was afraid it might be drawn into a precedent for the payment of additional bishoprics from the same fund.

Amendment, by leave of the Committee, withdrawn.

Clause agreed to.

Report of the said Amendments to be received To-morrow; and Bill to be printed as amended (No. 176.)