HL Deb 22 July 1869 vol 198 c406

SELECT COMMITTEE —Report— Bankruptcy* (207).

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Presentation of Benefices belonging to Roman Catholics, &c. * (209); Dublin Freemen Commission * (210); Savings Banks and Post Office Savings Banks* (211)*; Married Women's Property* (212).

Second Reading—Poor Law (Ireland) Amendment (No. 2)* (205); High Constables' Office Abolition, &c* (99).

Committee — Medical Officers Superannuation (Ireland) * (180); Fines and Fees Collection * (155); Local Government Supplemental (No. 2)* (183).

CommitteeReport—Endowed Hospitals, &c. (Scotland)* (175); Seamen's Clothing* (189); Queen Anne's Bounty (Superannuation Allowances)* (185).

Report—Bankruptcy * (154–208).

Third Reading—Municipal Franchise*'(200); Charity Commissioners * (170); Special Bails * (166); Companies Clauses Act (1863) Amendment * (147); Poor Law Union Loans * (194); Sunday and Ragged Schools* (188), and passed.