HL Deb 12 July 1866 vol 184 cc779-80

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


said, the Bill, the object of which was to secure a more regular attendance at the sittings of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, was one of considerable importance, and it was quite impossible it could receive proper consideration this Session. He, therefore, trusted his noble Friend (Lord Cranworth) would not deem it his duty to press it, but would be satisfied with having laid it on the table, so as to enable their Lordships to consider it during the recess.


said, he had introduced the Bill under a pressing sense of duty, believing that the changes it proposed were essential to the due administration of justice. The proposal which he had formerly made was that certain Judges should attend ex officio at all times, and that such Judges should be entitled to a pension at the end of ten instead of fifteen years. For his own part he did not know of any better plan; but, as his noble and learned Friend did not take the same view, he would consent to withdraw the Bill.


thought that it would be better not to discuss the Bill at the present time.

Order discharged; Bill (by Leave of the House) withdrawn.