HL Deb 07 July 1864 vol 176 c949

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading— Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland)* (No. 189); Local Government Act (1858) Amendment* (No. 190); India Office* (No. 191).

Second Reading—Life Annuities and Life Assurances* (No. 116); Factory Acts Extension* (No. 176); Railway Construction Facilities (No. 160), and Railway Companies Powers* (No. 121), and referred to same Select Committee; Lunacy (Scotland)* (No. 172); Burials Registration* (No. 144).

Committee—Civil Bill Courts (Ireland)* (No. 67); Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Acts Amendment* (No. 167).

Report—Facilities for Divine Service in Collegiate Schools* (No. 183).

Select Committee—Local Government Supplemental (No. 2)*(No. 174), referred.

Third Reading—Clerks of the Peace Removal* (No. 179); Greek Loan* (No. 171); Pilotage Order Confirmation* (No. 180).