HL Deb 18 June 1863 vol 171 cc1037-8

asked the Lord President, Whether it was the intention of Her Majesty's Government to bring in any Measure amending the Vaccination Acts? The country had just passed through one of those panics on the subject which were of periodical recurrence, and which were well known to those connected with the administration of the affairs of boards of guardians, and which would continue to recur while the law was in its present imperfect state. The Act of Parliament on the question, which he had introduced, like much amateur legislation, was not perfect, and he had brought in a Bill for its amendment, which passed their Lordships' House without the slightest difficulty, but which was rejected by the Commons. Since then very little had been done. There had been some little further legislation, but there was still something wanting; for at this moment, in one or two of the smaller kingdoms of Europe, smallpox had been entirely eradicated by vaccination—a result which was far from being attained in this country. The Epidemiological Society, through their President, Dr. Babiagton, offered four suggestions for the amendment of the existing state of the law, which he thought would be well deserving of the favourable consideration of the Government in dealing with the subject. These suggestions were, first, that provision should be made for the systematic local supervision of vaccination; secondly, that more effectual means should be provided, whereby the local authority might ascertain who were or were not vaccinated in the district under their jurisdiction; thirdly, that there should be an extension of the ago within which vaccination must be performed in those districts in which, from the limited population, vaccination from the arm could not be maintained periodically; and fourthly, that there should be an extension of the powers of the Privy Council over local arrangements for vaccination, as far as was necessary to secure the more effectual maintenance of local supplies of fresh lymph. After having stated those recommendations, he had, in conclusion, only to ask whether the Government contemplated the proposal of any amendment of the law during the present or the next Session.


said, that the Government were alive to the importance of the subject, and that the expediency of affecting an amendment of the existing law was under their consideration.


expressed a hope that any improvement of the existing system would be extended to Ireland.

  2. c1038
  4. c1038
  5. CAYMAN ISLANDS BILL [H.L.] 23 words
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