HL Deb 10 July 1863 vol 172 c509

My Lords, my noble Friend on the cross benches (Earl Grey) asked me the other day whether it would be convenient that Monday next should be fixed for a discussion upon the Affairs of Poland, and I answered him by saying, that if there was no prospect of inconvenience, I certainly should not object to it, but I might ask him to postpone the debate for two or three days. I have found, by a telegraphic despatch received to-day, that the Russian answer to the proposals of the three Powers will not be sent off until the 14th or 15th instant, and therefore will probably not be in the hands of Her Majesty's Government until the commencement of the week after next. That would probably be too long to ask my noble Friend to postpone any discussion he wishes to raise, and therefore I have no objection to make to his proceeding with the debate on Monday. In order that he may do so with more knowledge of what has taken place, I propose to lay on the table the despatch which was written on the part of Great Britain, and which contains the six points of the arrangement recommended to Russia.

The noble Earl then presented (by command), Correspondence respecting the Insurrection in Poland, Part III.

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