HL Deb 07 July 1863 vol 172 c338

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—on Prison Discipline * (No. 37).

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Vaccination (Scotland)* (No 193); Police and Improvement (Scotland) (Provisional Order)*(No. 194); Prisons (Ireland)* (No. 195); Stipendiary Magistrates* (No. 196).

Second Reading—Statute Law Revision [H.L.] (No. 133); Port Erin Harbour (Isle of Man)* (No. 169); Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation * (No. 164); Militia Ballots Suspension * (No. 190); Walmer Vesting* (No. 167).

Report of Select Committee—Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Bill* (Nos. 197 & 198).

Committee—Sheep and Cattle (Scotland)* (No. 144); Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) (Nos. 179 & 199); Thames Embankment (South Side) * (No. 162); Passengers Act Amendment * (No. 163).

ReportPassengers Act Amendment.

Third Reading—Oaths Relief in Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) (No. 72); Mutiny (East India) Act Repeal (No. 153); and severally passed.