HL Deb 03 June 1861 vol 163 cc464-5

Amendments reported (according to Order).


moved that the following clause for the registration of buildings for Roman Catholic worship be added to the Bill:— Every Chief Constable of Police shall, within One Month from the passing of this Act, deliver to each Registrar within his District a Certificate signed by him in duplicate, of all Buildings set apart for the public Celebration of Divine Service according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Religion, within the District of such Registrar; and from Time to Time thereafter similar Certificates of any other Building which may be so set apart, and such Certificates shall be for such Buildings the Certificates required by the Twenty-seventh Section of the recited Act for Buildings to be licensed for the Solemnization of Marriages, and shall be acted upon accordingly for the Purpose of licensing the same for the Solemnization of Marriages under this Act only; provided always, that the Issue of the Certificate of the Registry on Vellum or Parchment mentioned in the said Section shall not be necessary, and that the Registrar shall be entitled to the sum of One Pound only, to be paid from the Police Rate, on the Delivery of any such Certificate, although more than One Building may be returned therein.


was glad of this opportunity of correcting a mis- apprehension which had gone abroad, that he had consented to the two clauses of Ms noble Friend being added to the Bill. He had consented to certain Amendments moved by the noble Lord, which he thought unnecessary but harmless, being introduced with the most laudable object of preventing clandestinity, and to preserve the evidence of marriage; but the other two clauses he had strongly condemned, and, instead of carrying them out, he said he would rather abandon the Bill altogether. The clause was condemned in Ireland, not only by Roman Catholic priests, but by persons of all religious persuasions.


said, the clause was most objectionable in its character, and would have a very injurious effect.

Amendment negatived.

Bill to be read 3a to-morrow.

House adjourned at Eight o'clock, till To-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.