HL Deb 30 January 1860 vol 156 c259

said, it would be remembered that a Committee of their Lordships' House was appointed last Session to inquire into the operation of the law and practice respecting the assessment and the levy of church rates. On closing their labours last year the Committee recommended that they should be re-appointed, in order to complete the evidence which was forthcoming on the subject. It would be improper for him at present to enter upon any of the subjects there touched upon; but the evidence was of so important a character as fully to justify the re-appointment of the Committee. In submitting a Motion to that effect it was not his wish that the Committee should prolong its labours to an indefinite time, so as to interfere with any decision which might be come to by their Lordships respecting church rates. In a short time the labours of the Committee would be completed, and then their Lordships would have an opportunity of considering its report, and of arriving at a decision upon this much-vexed question. The noble Duke concluded by moving for the appointment of a Select Committee to inquire into the present Operation of the Law and Practice respecting the Assessment and Levy of Church Rates.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed; and the Lords nominated to serve on the said Committee.

House adjourned at a quarter before Six o'clock, till To-morrow half-past Ten o'clock.