HL Deb 20 August 1860 vol 160 cc1573-4

moved, to Resolve That, inasmuch as the Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, 1856, will expire at the Close of the present Session of Parliament if not continued by the said Bill, the Circumstances which re- quire Legislation on this Subject appear to this House to be of such real Urgency as to render the immediate Consideration of the same necessary.

Order for the Second Reading rend.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.


disapproved the scheme for raising police officers to the rank of stipendiary magistrates, which he thought would prove detrimental to the efficiency of the service, and hoped the Government would reconsider their determination.


believed that the selections, if judiciously made, would add to the magistracy of Ireland many efficient and valuable members; but, in order to enable the new stipendiary magistrates to act with firmness and impartiality, and to give weight to their decisions, it was imperative that they should meet the gentlemen with whom they would be called on to associate on a footing of entire social equality. If carefully selected, and, above all, if legally competent, they would be treated not only as equals, but in most instances their experience would cause them to be looked up to as guides. He therefore deprecated most earnestly the elevation to the bench of officers who had risen from the ranks. He by no means wished to curtail the rewards to which deserving members of the force entitled themselves, but their promotions should not be made at the risk of disorganizing the bench.


said, his experience led him to dissent from the apprehensions entertained relative to the results of promotions from among the officers of the constabulary. He had known gentlemen who formerly held commissions in that force and afterwards made excellent magistrates, their appointments giving general satisfaction. In the county of Carlow particularly, where from difference of religious and political opinion it was of consequence to appoint a person of great discretion,—he might say, a picked man,—an officer of constabulary had been last year selected by the Lord lieutenant of the county, and had since discharged his duties in an admirable manner.

Motion agreed to; Bill read 2a accordingly, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Thursday next.