HL Deb 20 August 1860 vol 160 c1552

PUBLIC BILLS.—2a Savings Banks and Friendly Societies Investments; Fortifications (Provision for Expenses); Customs (No. 2); Stamp Duties (No. 2); Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act (1856), Amendment; Defence of the Realm.

3a Refreshment Houses and Wine Licences (Ireland) Poor Relief, &c. (Ireland); Gunpowder, &c.; Industrial Schools Act (1857) Amendment.

Royal Assent— Consolidated Fund(£l 0,000,000); Census (Scotland); Corrupt Practices Prevention Act (1854) Continuance; European Forces (India); Poor Law Board Continuance; East India Stock Transfer, &c.; Prisons (Scotland); Lands Clauses Consolidation Act (1845)Amendment; Maynooth College.