HL Deb 14 August 1857 vol 147 cc1624-5

asked the Lord Privy Seal, pursuant to notice—Whether, out of the fund now fallen in to the Ecclesiastical Commission by the death of Bishop Blomfield, it is in contemplation to award any portion as a retiring allowance to Bishop Hinds, who, on the ground of declining health, lately resigned the see of Norwich? He was given to understand that an Act of Parliament would be necessary to carry out the object he had in view in putting the question, and if that were so, he hoped early next Session Government would introduce such a measure, and that the case of Bishop Hinds would be taken into consideration.


said, his noble Friend was correct in his suggestion that no award of this nature could be made out of the Ecclesiastical Commission Fund without the authority of an Act of Parliament. A general measure, with respect to the subject of providing retiring allowances under certain circumstances for Bishops, had been under the consideration of the Government; but, owing to difficulties which had arisen in connection with the preparation of some of its details, it had not been found possible to proceed with it for the present. A measure of that character would, however, he had no doubt, be before long submitted to the notice of Parliament; and he had only to add that the claim of Bishop Hinds was one which would receive consideration, and which must not be supposed to suffer in any way by lapse of time.

House adjourned at a quarter past Seven o'clock, till To-morrow, Ten o'clock.