HL Deb 22 June 1852 vol 122 cc1130-1

took the opportunity of correcting a statement he had made on a recent occasion, when the subject of railways in British North America was discussed by their Lordships. He found he was mistaken in stating that the person through whom Mr. Chandler first received instruction of the final decision of the Government, an officer of an association which desired to graft a system of emigration upon the scheme of a railway, was a person against whom the Emigration Commissioners had felt it to he their duty to caution the public, to the effect that they should not listen to his schemes. But he was perfectly correct in saying that the association and all the persons connected with it did not hold such a position in the commercial world that it was proper they should he made the channel of so important a communication. [See page 92.] He (Earl Grey) found on inquiry that the association had been holding out that which tended to create the impression they were under the patronage of the Government. Undoubtedly, they had opened an account at Masterman's bank; they had paid in 18l. and drawn out 17l.


said, the communication to Mr. Hincks was of the same date as the communication to the association referred to.