HL Deb 23 November 1847 vol 95 cc11-4

The Lords Commissioners, the LORD PRESIDENT, the MARQUESS of CLANRICARDE, EARL SPENCER, and the EARL of AUCKLAND, being in their Robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, commanded the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to signify to the Commons that the Lords Commissioners desire their immediate Attendance in this House: who being come, with their Speaker,


, in pursuance of Her Majesty's Commands, delivered the following Speech to both Houses of Parliament:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"HER Majesty has ordered us to declare to you the Causes which have induced Her to call Parliament together at the present Time.

"HER Majesty has seen with great Concern the Distress which has for some Time prevailed among the Commercial Classes. The Embarrassments of Trade were at one Period aggravated by so general a Feeling of Distrust and of Alarm, that Her Majesty, for the Purpose of restoring Confidence, authorized Her Ministers to recommend to the Directors of the Bank of England a Course of Proceeding suited to such an Emergency. This Course might have led to an Infringement of the Law.

"HER Majesty has great Satisfaction in being enabled to inform you that the Law has not been infringed, that the Alarm has subsided, and that the Pressure on the Banking and Commercial Interests has been mitigated.

"THE abundant Harvest with which this Country has been blessed has alleviated the Evils which always accompany a Want of Employment in the Manufacturing Districts. Her Majesty has, however, to lament the Recurrence of severe Distress in some Parts of Ireland, owing to the Scarcity of the usual Food of the People. Her Majesty trusts that this Distress will be materially relieved by the Exertions which have been made to carry into effect the Law of the last Session of Parliament for the Support of the Destitute Poor. Her Majesty has learnt with Satisfaction that Landed Proprietors have taken advantage of the Means placed at their Disposal for the Improvement of Land.

"HER Majesty laments that in some Counties of Ireland atrocious Crimes; have been committed, and a Spirit of Insubordination has manifested itself, leading to an organized Resistance to Legal Rights.

"THE Lord Lieutenant has employ- ed with Vigour and Energy the Means which the Law places at his Disposal to detect Offenders, and to prevent the Repetition of Offences. Her Majesty feels it, however, to be Her Duty to Her peaceable and well-disposed Subjects to ask the Assistance of Parliament in taking further Precautions against the Perpetration of Crime in certain Counties and Districts in Ireland.

"HER Majesty views with the deepest Anxiety and Interest the present Condition of Ireland, and She recommends to the Consideration of Parliament Measures, which, with due Regard to the Rights of Property, may advance the social Condition of the People, and tend to the permanent Improvement of that Part of the United Kingdom.

"HER Majesty has seen with great Concern the breaking out of Civil War in Switzerland.

"HER Majesty is in communication with Her Allies on this Subject, and has expressed Her Readiness to use, in concert with them, Her friendly Influence for the Purpose of restoring to the Swiss Confederation the Blessings of Peace.

"HER Majesty looks with Confidence to the Maintenance of the general Peace of Europe.

"HER Majesty has concluded with the Republic of the Equator a Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.

"HER Majesty has given Directions that this Treaty should be laid before you.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"HER Majesty has given Directions that the Estimates for the next Year should be prepared, for the Purpose of being laid before you. They will be framed with a careful Regard to the Exigencies of the Public Service.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"HER Majesty recommends to the Consideration of Parliament the Laws which regulate the Navigation of the United Kingdom, with a view to ascertain whether any Changes can be adopted, which, without Danger to our Maritime Strength, may promote the Commercial and Colonial Interests of the Empire.

"HER Majesty has thought fit to appoint a Commission to report on the best Means of improving the Health of the Metropolis; and Her Majesty recommends to your earnest Attention such Measures as will be laid before you relating to the Public Health.

"HER Majesty has deeply sympathized with the Sufferings which afflict the Labouring Classes in the Manufacturing Districts in Great Britain and in many Parts of Ireland, and has observed with Admiration the Patience with which these Sufferings have been generally borne.

"THE Distress which has lately prevailed among the Commercial Classes has affected many important Branches of the Revenue; but Her Majesty trusts that the Time is not distant when, under the Blessing of Divine Providence, the Commerce and Industry of the United Kingdom will have resumed their wonted Activity."

Then the Commons withdrew.

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