HL Deb 24 July 1846 vol 87 c1400

moved the Order of the Day for resuming the Adjourned Debate on the Motion that the Bill do pass.


said, he had stated to the House upon a former occasion, with respect to this Bill, that his own impression was, that the tenor of the Bill being entirely permissive, it did not appear necessary that the consent of the Crown should be asked. If the Crown thought fit, it was at liberty to do so and so. Upon this ground he thought that the Crown would not be in the same position as it would have been under the other Bill. He had, however, requested his noble Friend to delay the last stage, and he had thought it the most wise and prudent course to obtain the consent of Her Majesty; and he was authorized on the part of the Crown not to oppose any obstacle to the further progress of the Bill.

Bill passed.

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