HL Deb 15 July 1845 vol 82 c493
Lord Stanley

said, that he would hope to be excused for the irregularity of referring to anything that took place in a Select Committee; but at its last meeting he stated, on the part of the Government, that seeing the strong feeling manifested both in Committee and in the House, it was the intention of the Government to propose various and not unimportant modifications in the measure. From the pressure of business upon the Attorney General for Ireland, and from various circumstances, there had been great difficulty in engrafting such Amendments on the Bill; and though he (Lord Stanley) did not give up the hope of presenting the Bill in the present Session, as amended by the Committee, yet looking to the state of the Session, and the opposition to be expected, he thought it fair to noble Lords concerned upon the subject to say, that he did not intend, upon that Bill, in the course of the present Session, to take the opinion of the House as to any further step.

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