HL Deb 16 June 1842 vol 63 c1599
The Earl of Minto,

seeing the noble Earl the Secretary for Foreign Affairs in his place, begged to put a question to him, which he had no doubt the noble Earl would be able to answer. In the course of the last few years an act had passed for the suppression of the slave-trade, and authorising the seizure of vessels sailing under piratical colours. In that act provisions for realising the prize-money, and for the condemnation of the vessels seized, were contained, but there was a total omission of any provision for the distribution of prize-money. The subject had since been under the consideration of Government, as he understood, and he wished to be informed whether it were probable that any measure would be introduced in the course of the present Session to remedy this omission?

The Earl of Aberdeen

A bill of the nature referred to by the noble Earl, had been prepared by the Government, and would be introduced in the course of the present Session.

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