HL Deb 10 February 1842 vol 60 c241
Lord Kinnaird

presented petitions from ten thousand of the inhabitants of Dundee, and from many other places in Scotland, for a total abolition of the Corn-laws. On presenting these petitions, he wished to offer a few observations upon the statement made by the right hon. Gentleman at the head of her Majesty's Government last night. He had read that statement with the greatest regret. He felt certain that the measure announced by the right hon. Gentleman would be received by all throughout the country with the greatest disappointment. Before he resumed his seat, he wished to ask the noble Duke and her Majesty's Government whether a petition had been received from the relief committee of the town of Paisley and of Renfrew, praying that some of the corn, food, and other provisions now in bond at Liverpool and at Glasgow might be let out duty free to them as a relief to those unfortunate persons who had been subsisting for eight months on public charity?

The Duke of Wellington

thought before the noble Lord asked a question about a petition, the presentation of which he was not certain, he should have ascertained whether the petition had been presented or not. He had not heard whether any such petition had been presented. That was all he could say upon the subject.