HL Deb 09 August 1842 vol 65 c1178
The Earl of Aberdeen

(by command of her Majesty) laid on the Table a copy of a treaty of Commerce and Navigation between her Majesty and the Queen of Portugal, and also a copy of a treaty between the same sovereigns for the more effectual suppression of the slave-trade. It would be recollected by their Lordships, that on a former evening he had brought in a bill to enable her Majesty, by an Order in Council, to suspend the operation of so much of that treaty as related to Portuguese ships, and he on that occasion stated, that if the ratification of these two treaties could be expected to arrive before the close of the Session, he would bring in a Bill to repeal the 3rd of Victoria. The ratifications had since arrived, a bill to the effect he had just stated, had been brought up from the other House of Parliament, of which he begged to move the first reading.

Bill read a first time

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