HL Deb 14 July 1840 vol 55 c718
Lord Brougham

would take that opportunity, of stating the course he intended to pursue with regard to the Copyholds Enfranchisement Bill which had been referred to a select committee. It had sat for some time, and a period of the Session had now arrived which made him feel that he could hardly hope to get the bill passed this Session. If he were to proceed with the bill, it could not be sent down to the other House of Parliament before the end of this month, and that was a sufficient reason for his withdrawing it. He would add, that this circumstance presented the only reason for withdrawing it, because, with the exception of the compulsory clauses, he was confident that he should have obtained the assent of the select committee.

Lord Lyndhurst

said, that in his opinion, his noble Friend was perfectly right in withdrawing the measure, upon a pledge that he would bring it forward early in the next Session of Parliament.

Bill withdrawn.