HL Deb 20 June 1839 vol 48 c576

Bills.—Read a first time:—Jamaica; Ecclesiastical Districts Assignment.—Read a third time. Borough Courts.

Petitions presented. By the Bishops of Gloucester, London, and Salisbury, the Earl of Winchilsea, and Lord Abinger, from several places, against, and by the Earl of Camperdown, from one place, in favour of the Government Plan for National Education.—By the Marquess of Lansdowne, from Troubridge, and Lord Lyndhurst, from a number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage,—By Lord Lyndhurst, and the Bishop of Gloucester, from several places, against the Church Discipline Bill, and from Liverpool, for making the alterations in the Corporation Laws for Ireland inviolable.—By the Bishop of Salisbury, from several places, and the Duke of Richmond, from Banff, for Church Extension.—By the Bishop of London, from several places, for the better observance of the Sabbath.—By Lord Wharncliffe, from one place for facilitating Commercial Communication with Circassia.—By Lord Brougham, from Cambridge, for the Repeal of the Corn Laws, and for freedom of discussion.