HL Deb 27 July 1838 vol 44 c701

Bills. Received the Royal assent:—Glass Duties; Administration of Justice (New South Wales); Qualification of Members; Judges' Jurisdiction Extension; Waterloo Annuities; Vagrants Acts Amendment; Slave Vessels Capture; Slave Trade (Sweden); Slave Trade (Hans Towns); Slave Trade (Netherlands); Dean Forest Encroachments; Dean Forest Mines; Western Australia Act Continuance; Suitors' Money; Grand Jury Cess (Dublin); oaths to Witnesses (Ireland); County Treasurers (Ireland); and Linen Manufacturers (Ireland.

Petitions presented. By Viscount MELBOURNE, from Warrington, against any alteration in the Beer Act. [A Conference on the Amendments made by the Commons in the Irish Poor Relief Bill was held with the Commons, when their Lordships reasons for disagreeing with the Amendments were communicated to the Commons, subsequently the Commons sent up a message stating that they did not insist on their Amendment.]

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