HL Deb 14 August 1838 vol 44 c1174

Bills. Received the Royal assent:—Exchequer Bills; Exchequer Bills (Public Works); Transfer of Funds (War-office); Pensions; Benefices Pluralities; Militia Pay; Militia Ballot Suspension; Extension of Judges' Jurisdiction; Oaths Validity; Mails on Railways; Mediterranean Postage; Public Records; Coal Trade (No. 2); Slave Trade Treaties; Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster; Joint-Stock Banks: Fines and Recoveries (Ireland); Corporate Property (Ireland); County of Clare Treasurer; and Sugar Refining Company.—Read a third time:—Valuation of Lands (Ireland).—Read a second and third time, Standing Orders having been suspended:—Schedules of Debtors.

Petitions presented. By Lord RUDESDALE, from Fermanagh, in favour of Mr. Rowland Hill's Postage plan.

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