HL Deb 05 August 1836 vol 35 c914

Bills. Read a third time:—Bills of Exchange Copyright (Ireland).—Read a second time:—St. Clement Oxford Marriages Validity; Turnpike Roads' Act Amendment.—Read a first time:—Gold and Silver Plate (Scotland); Assessed Taxes.

Petitions presented. By Viscount MELBOURNE, from Glastonbury and Maryboro', for the Repeal of Staonp on Newspapers; and from Wisbeach, for their Lordships to reconsider Irish Municipal Act; and from Glasgow, to be heard by Counsel against Bankrupts' Estate (Scotland) Bill; and from Boston, for Charitable Trustees' Bill.—By Lord LYNDHURST, from Cottingham and Kidby, for preventing Ecclesiastical Corporations from granting further Renewal of Leases, and from Perthshire and Perth, against puts of Small Debts' (Scotland) Bill.