HL Deb 01 June 1835 vol 28 c202
The Marquess of Londonderry

wished to take the opportunity of asking the noble Viscount opposite some questions upon a most important subject. It was not his wish to originate a discussion on a subject of this deep importance, but he wished to ask some questions. His first question was, whether, since his accession to office, any instructions had been sent out to his Majesty's cruisers off the north coast of Spain to place themselves at the disposal of the Queen's Government? Further, to ask if the arms and stores, which he understood to have been furnished by this country, had been paid for, or by what mode they were to be paid for; and then, whether there were any Spanish vessels which had been fitted out here, and what was their number, and at whose expense?

Viscount Melbourne

said, that he was not informed as to any instructions having been sent out by the Admiralty; and as to the ships, we were bound to furnish them by the treaty.

The Marquess of Londonderry

How are they to be paid for?

Viscount Melbourne

was not fully informed on the subject. Had the noble Marquess given him notice, he would have informed himself on the subject. He should do so by to-morrow, and would then answer the question. What was the third question?

The Marquess of Londonderry

What vessels had been fitted out here, and at whose expense?

Viscount Melbourne

could not answer this question at the moment.

Subject dropped.

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